Filling The Cracks

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to make it no longer be a problem. This was the case with a problem that I’d created — and have now fixed — in my version of SyntaxHighlighter.

Dumping Hack Flash, It’s a Class, Class, Class

SyntaxHighlighter now preserves whitespace. Kind of. It’s not pure WYSIWYG, but it’s YCAGWYWBIYTSYJMFYGWYN. It’s good enough that we can stop using Flash to access the clipboard.

Occam’s Razor and Brushes

In software engineering, Occam’s Razor has a corollary: When entities are multiplying, find out how they became necessary. An issue in SyntaxHighlighter illustrates this principle.

SyntaxHighlighter Revised (again), Works On Its Own (once again)

In my latest round of updates to SyntaxHighlighter, I’ve removed the dependencies on jQuery that I’d added in previous updates. There are some small improvements, too.